Financial protection day for children

Children Protection Day!
Most parents give children gifts, educational games, or personal transportation on this day.
And what is needed to give a "personal car" or a "personal apartment" to a son or daughter ...?
Buy it!
Where to get the money?
Set aside monthly or annually. And it’s more correct to start doing this with a reliable partner.
Cumulative insurance policy for children to help!
For children, when they are completely “adults”, at 18 or at the age of 21 it is important to SELECT and make a purchase on your own!
This is the first car, the first apartment!
Annually, putting aside the amount, for example, in 10-12 thousand UAH, by the year 21 you can receive a payment of 600-800 thousand UAH.
If you save 1.5 thousand UAH per month, then at 21, a son or daughter will become the owners of his personal million!
And this is the start for the development of a business or project!
Even with jumps in the national currency, inflation, these funds will help to realize the dream of a child!
Start financial protection for your children today!
And let there be more happy Ukrainian millionaires!